I recently replaced one of the tweeters on my Axiom M3Ti's that was producing a buzzing sound with my CD player and piano with a new one and the buzzing at the high frequencies went away, but now it happens with the low frequencies, and even at very low volumes (slightly louder that the level of music one would hear in an elevator)

I swapped the left and right speakers' connections at the amplifier to check it if it was the amp or the speaker but the buzzing stayed with the speaker (tweeter). The other speaker sounds fine even at moderate volume levels.

I'll try to swap the tweeters themselves to see if it really is the tweeter, or something else in the speaker causing it.

To any of the resident experts, what is it that causes a tweeter to buzz? I heard from someone that sometimes it's a wire touching a voice coil or something and I was hoping you could give your take on it.