Boy that was quick, went out for a smoke and 2 welcomes, thanks

My current hardware a nice Pioneer vsx 1015 7.1 driving my old 5.1 Mission center and 700 speakers that I relegated as rears and rear surrounds, picked up a set of small Fluance floorstanders for my mains in 2005 when I got the Pio, I know, I should have bought the Axiom mains then, but cost was a factor.

The Mission sub has also been relegated as a rear sub since I picked up an Energy S10.3 on Canuck Audio Mart great sub for hitting those sub 25hz in movies. The Pioneer will be replaced as well for likely the Denon 2808 or 3808 because of the 4 HDMI 1.3. The Samsung 6189 led rear projection has replaced my epson projector (got tired of changing bulbs every 2 years)and of course my trusty PS3 that I stood in line for 25hrs to get on day 1 --- there weren't too many 50 year olds in that lineup lol

I think my 1st purchase will be the VP150 the 100 would likely be good enough but for aesthetic purposes the vp150 just looks awesome. Will likely go for the M22s for mains sometime later as I am quite happy with the Missions as rears and rear surrounds. Since it will be likely that this satisfaction will wane in the future it will be quite easy to move the M22s to the rear