Well, I'm not trying to make it more complicated. I'm just trying to make sense of apparently disparate pieces of information.

Up until this thread, my understanding was that when one plucked blew or whacked a musical instrument one was generating a single wave which, depending on the instrument could generate sympathetic resonances that affected the nature of the sound.

I further understood that the initial attack was characterised by the amount of energy in it, and the rise time. The 'body' of the sound was then characterised by the sustain and decay of the wave plus any harmonics. Nowhere had I read that there was more than one sound wave generated by the initial pluck/blow/whack.

Then along comes this post suggesting (I think) that the inital attack happens in one frequency and the main 'body' of the sound in another, hence two separate speakers involved in defining/characterising the nature of the sound.

Draw me fuzzy and colour me confused...


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!