Ive read about axioms being unforgiving on poor quality recordings... I dont know about that. I have a m22/vp100/m2/hsu 5.1 system and I think everything I've ever played on those speakers have sounded wonderful. I play nothing but mp3s equal to or lower than 256kps (a goal of mine is to start getting into better quality). Most of my music comes from my computer and I buy lots of music off of amazon mp3 and get alot of music off of rhapsody subscriptions. Now, if you don't have a sub i cant recommend m22s. If you have a sub the m22s will sound glorious with any music you put through them, imo. I doubt that im an audiophile category yet, the axiom system is my first true quality audio system but ive had it for a year.

Denon 3808, M22s, M2s, VP100, Hsu sub