I've heard the Boston speakers and own the M60's. CLARITY & DETAIL. Those are the two words that come to mind imediately whenever someone hears Axioms for the first time. Well actually I think something more to the effect of Holy SH*T comes to mind first, but then they realize their shock is about the clarity and detail possesed by a speaker that costs far less than anything else they've been listening to. The only pair of tower speakers I've ever heard that have the clarity and detail of the Axioms are the Energy Veritas 2.4. They cost well over $3000.

I have people come to my place quite often to hear my setup. Most of them end up buying a pair of M60's themselves.

fyi...I know your budget is $800 +/-, but you have a very large room - the M60's will handle it fine, but it is actually big enough to jump up to even the M80's and there are some M80's in the "outlet" for only $990 right now!