The speakers are powered by a new Marantz SR8500 receiver which has about 30 hours of play time on it. Not sure if the fuses are even user replaceable on that unit ? I was listening to it personaly and just like that, I noticed a change in the sound, so I went up to the speakers and that's when I noticed the tweeter on the righ speaker was no longer emitting any sound at all.

From what I can gather, Nuance is also no longer in business..

It's starting to look like I am really screwed !!! I'm sure there is a very interesting and long story behind the history of both companies etc.. and I hope one day I'll find out what that is.. in the meantime, I just want a new tweeter..

Maybe I should just blindly send $45 bucks to Markham Ontario, with the expectations of never seing it back, but maybe it's worth taking a chance that If I'm lucky, I'll get a new tweeter in the mail eventually ?


Acoustic Zen Adagio, Veritas center, Axiom EP500, QS8s, Anthem AVM20, MC20,Adcom GFA7400