On Hsu's website, a review of the VTF-3 states that "For all intents and purposes, the two units [VTF-2 and VTF-3] sounded the same with typical bass material in a typical room".

Since my room is smallish (13x17x8 feet), and I never listen to pipe organ music, would I really notice $350 worth of difference between the two units? Everybody seems to love their VTF-2's, and I am concerned with the sheer size of the VTF-3. It seems to me that I might be perfectly happy with the VTF-2, especially compared to my current Infinity BU 120. Heck, with the money I'd save, I could practically buy a pair of QS8's to use as surrounds, and demote my QS4's to use as rears. Plus, I have enough money for the VTF-2 NOW and they're IN STOCK, and my upgradeitis is acute!

Any comments from those who have heard both units in similar sized rooms on DVD and musical sources? I watch movies/music 80/20.

Thanks, Mark

"Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff"