If we can get past the giggling adolescent confusion between audio cabling and private parts, first of all, I love the audioholics website. It's frequently updated, and unlike some blatantly commercial sites (which really make their money from "advertorials" - advertisements disguised to look like objective reviews) audioholics calls 'em like it sees them. For example, they hammered a widely praised Sunfire product (I've always thought they were overpriced and overrated, but that's my opinion, so please don't sue).

Anyway, I was pleased that audioholics like Axiom's new cabling.

There are some terrific bargains in well made cables out there - I like the Tara Labs Prism series, which can be had for dirt cheap on ebay, in England, Ecosse cabling is available for a few bucks for runs of very well made cables. There's some decent AR cables which are modestly priced. Of course, when you need a cable fast, there's always Radio Shack gold series stuff. It's OK, although the "Fusion," series has ferrite RF blocks which may, according to some reviewers, dull the music when used on speaker wire and interconnects.

I have about a dozen of the Outlaw locking interconnects. I think they're pretty, but they are a pain in the butt, they're big and the locking mechanisms can get hung up.

I swap equipment frequently, so I'm looking at the backside of my equipment and recabling more often than sensible, so convenience is important to me, so, I won't be getting any more of Outlaw's cables.

I like banana plugs for convenience, but my best speaker wire (IMO) are some runs of the Mapleshade Clearview Double Golden Helix Plus (big name, thin wire) which has naked ends, no spades, no plugs ... Modestly priced compared to Kimber, Nordost etc., but much more expensive than the Tara Labs.

Anyway, because I'm a supporter of Axiom, I'll be ordering some of their cables when they're available. It's always good to have some extras handy.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.