Originally Posted By: gja
That's a start, but what would I be looking for? Is the SPL for each speaker supposed to be the same? Sub higher than surrounds. Sorry for the newb questions, but a guy has to learn somewhere.

After reading a couple of other threads, it seems I should be setting my fronts to small, and change the LFE+main to just LFE. Is this correct?

Yes, each speaker should be calibrated evenly. Personal preference may dictate bumping up a channel to what you prefer. It's all highly tweakable--which is good and bad. Good because you can set things up exactly how you want, and bad, especially for the newcomer, because there are too many variables.

To start out, keep things simple. Set all speakers to small and let the sub handle the low frequencies. Play test tones through each speaker while holding the SPL meter and make sure each channel measures the same.

Patience is the key. Dialing in a sub can be tedious. Just set some time aside and methodically go through different options until you find the one that works for you.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose