I wasnt expecting much difference from the two projectors but the pitcher is unbelievable! My screen is simply Behr white Ceiling paint on the wall and its like looking out a window the pitcher is so bright and clear!!

My first moment of awww was when i turned on the PS3 and seeing that wavey thing in 1080p. Next was JamesBond Casino Royal Bluray. OMG no more V.B !! I almost teared up.. my wife laughed at me but agrees there is a huge difference in quiality!!

I did notice some pitcher shutter in fast moving scenes. Not sure if this is something i need to tweak or this is early 1080p tech problems?

Next i had to try a PS3 game(Battle Feild Bad Company) this game now looks like a movie not a game.

I Love this projector!!! If anyone can get one do it!!

M60 M3 VP100 VP150 EP175 Q4
PanyPTAE1000U LCD HD projector 120"
Yamaha RX-V3800 PS3 20g, 360 ELITE