Hello board members.
I am looking for a sub to mesh with my M22ti's (received 2wks ago; they're truly fantastic!). My girlfriend wants to get it for my birthday, which makes her wonderful. As she is purchasing it, though, I want to save her as much $ as possible, ie, $250 or less. No HSU, Aperion, or Parts Express. Seems ridiculous, but that's the limit I'd like to impose, if at all possible.

In particular, I've found the Velodyne Vlf-810 and Atlantic Tech T70 pbm for around $200. Ebay also has a variety subs. I would hope for something that is relatively "tight" and "accurate," being willing to trade some volume for speed and musicality. I currently have a Cambridge Basscube 10 (please no ridicule) that has plenty of volume, just no subtlety. My room is approx 12 X 15 w/ 10 foot ceilings.

Finally, I must comment on these boards. Axiom Audio deserves a lot of credit to add a forum to its site; to trust those not affiliated w/ their company to post on their site speaks about their commitment to a quality product.

Also, you board members have made it a painless, easy decision to purchase these speakers. The wealth of info, objective analysis and subjective (sometimes heated!) opinions, truly make this board worth visiting. Thank you all-Jeff