I’ve tried out dual M22s in several configurations and agree with this assessment.

 Originally Posted By: sirquack

I think if you had 3 22's up front for LeftCenterRight, it would work great, however, turning a 22 on its side would mess up the horizontal dispersion of the center speaker, 2 laying down might be worse.

Also, I mostly agree with Jakewash and Mojo’s findings but would add one more thing I noticed. They highly recommend the setup you are suggesting TMMMMT horizontal driver arrangement. I found that the wall-of-sound this produces is very impressive but one thing I didn’t like was that it was smearing the placement of instruments and vocalists across the front. Initially I didn’t notice this because the wall-of-sound was so impressive.

The TMMMMT arrangement did sound great with movies and concert audio. With movies it made the panning of sounds across the front sound smother and had an overall more movie theater like quality.

While the TMMMMT arrangement does produce an impressive wall-of-sound I didn’t think the vertical M22 either above, below or above and below the TV made a column of sound. It seemed to blend quite naturally with the M80 mains. It only sounded thin relative to the TMMMMT arrangement.

I suspect that my impression may differ somewhat from Jakewash and Mojo’s due to room sized, speaker placement and seating distance. My listening area is smaller I sit only 6 feet from the center speaker and the mains are only about 6 feet apart. While testing I got the feeling if I was farther back and my mains were further apart the TMMMMT center would not have smeared the front soundstage and the vertical M22s would have sounded more like a column.

Besides what sounds best always being subjective I think seating distance and distance between your mains will have a great impact on which arraignment sounds best to you.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1