Amel, you could certainly use the QS4s in that size of room; the sense of surround envelopment is excellent and similar to the QS8s. They just won't play quite as loud in rooms larger than yours.

As to "losing much", you have to put some of these comparisons I refer to into context, in that I'm concentrating on picking out subtle nuances and tonal colorations between two different speakers.

Heard by themselves, the M50s are very nice speakers, with lots of good bass (not as much as you'll get when you add a subwoofer) that's quite like the bass from the M60s. When not doing instantaneous A/B comparisons, we tend to accommodate and adjust to the sound of good speakers like the M50s, M60s, or the M22s (with a sub) very quickly. Maybe you should set up an audition at an Axiom owner's place. (Go to "Hearing Things" down below.)

Alan Lofft,
Axiom Resident Expert (Retired)