hehe.. yeah, you're right you did... but I'm the type of guy that hesitates, does more research, gets more advice then gets confused about it all, all over again!! Sorry 'bout that. Oddly enough, I was the same way in University... i would do so much research to do a paper that I wouldn't know what to keep and what to discard! Next thing I knew, it was the night before due date and I had to get a 15 page paper done!

So it's decided, I'm going with the 3808 (but what's this I hear about some people having trouble with the upgrades? should I be worried about this?)

I also read today - I'm sure it was here in the Axiom forums, I think, I dunno (hehe) - that some 3808s reset on it's own?

Whatever, I'll cross that bridge if/when it comes. I'm going to take the plunge or I'll NEVER buy one!

- Majik

Epic 80 system
Ep 800
Denon 3808
Optoma HD20
extra QS8s (to come soon)