Thanks guys, my wife auditioned the M80s tonight and stated that they were very intense, modern looking, and had a great subwoofer ;\) , all meant as compliments, so it looks like we are on track to smoothly flesh out the rest of the surround system without any opposition due to the WAF.

The sound absolutely blew away the Polks I am replacing, especially for HT content, we watched The Fringe and the background music was just so cool sounding and atmospheric, which is exactly what I felt was missing before.

I don't find the M80s to be bright at all, it's funny how people could even say that, I guess everything's relative to what you're familiar with.

I'll probably order the rest altogether so I can get the 5% discount off everything, the only hitch is the ep800, I can't put that in the cart unless/until I get an invite to the owner's club \:\)

"If you try to turn toward it, you go against it."