For streaming music, the PS3 works better IMHO. (they both stream music fine with no coloration of the sound, but I like the fact that with the PS3 you can overlay a music playlist with a slide show of photos from your computer) For simple straightforward music streaming, there's not much difference between the two.

The other reason the networking is nice is that you can access the Denon through a web browser on your network and control almost all of the settings.

I use this feature more than I would have anticipated to turn on different zones that I run from it and adjust sources so that I don't have to go upstairs to the media room to turn on the music on the deck. (admittedly, this is a pretty specialized case, so it probably doesn't affect you, but I thought I'd mention it as an idea in case you would ever be interested in doing something like this)


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry