Monday I was working from home and this racket kept getting louder and louder. I subconsciously ignored it for a while until it got so loud it drew my attention. I looked out the window and a large flock of Canadian Geese were gathering on the bay outside in preparation for their journey south.

It just kept getting louder and louder. I'm guessing by mid afternoon, there were close to 300 geese out there. The noise was incredible.

The first shot shows just the left side of the bay. Something happened to the photos of the center and left sides but I can assure you the mass of small dots extended two more photographs over to the right.

The second shot is a few close up using full digital zoom. Digital zoom always adds some blurriness but this actually turned out not bad considering the distance where the geese are just dots in the first photo. Canon A720IS

Thought they might interest the nature lovers..... or the hunters.


Shot with a little Canon A720IS.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.