I'm starting to gather a list of what I need in this home theatre system and it occured to me that I've yet to consider a CD player. Will this be necessary? I wouldn't need anything too fancy. I would imagine i could pick up a nice 5 disk cd player for a couple hundred bucks right? Are they as intense to research as the other pieces? Or do I even need one and can just go through the DVD player?

Just wondering what others are doing. My goal with this system is to have a good video/audio system to contribute to making my basement/romper room a kick ass place to hang out.

On a side note I went to the only listed Yamaha dealer here in GR, Michigan and the guy hadn't heard of the 2400, and knew nothing...great. Glad to see my research is off to a great success. The other "nice" A/V place I went to to look around I couldn't find anyone to hook up the nicer of their two projectors and the one they had on looked like garbage. All the salespeople were too busy hawking crap onto unsuspecting consumers. I thought those folks all worked at the major stores? A disappointing beginning.


My M60's make me listen
My M80's make my ears hear
Either way - I'm not deaf anymore