I take it square rooms aren't ideal for Home Theater? Hmmmm... well if there is a remedy for this situation let me know. For now I guess I'll just have to grin and bare it. I suppose there could be worse situations to find yourself in than moving in with your girlfriend who owns a house with square rooms... I can't think of any right off hand, but I'm sure google could uncover SOMETHING!!!

The basement of my old house was quite a bit more suitable I will admit. The movie room measured 18 x 30. This alowed the 1st set of surrounds to be placed directly to either side of the sitting area, and the other 4 surround speakers set deep behind creating a huge pocket from which to shoot special effects sounds at you from. I remember very vividly watching 'Pearl Harbor', I could have sworn that they were bombing the city right next to us... Fantastically realistic! Another one of my favorite scenes to watch was in 'The Devils Own' where Brad Pitt is hiding out in that abandoned building from the IRA... It sounded as if that helicopter was literally landing on the roof of my house!!!

I will miss my basement.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD