Ah thank you, you've been most helpfull!

So anyway... I'm certainly no expert on this subject, but my confusion arises from the information I gained watching a fascinating program about elephants on 'Animal Planet' on the Discovery Channel. They explained how elephants communicated over hundreds of miles in the wild by using sub-sonic requencies emmited through their trunks. They showed the way the upper range of the sonic wavelengths were limited by things like tree's, rocks, grass, and anything else that might come between you and the subject making the sound. Then they showed how sub-sonic wavelengths actually move right through just about any object that you can find in the jungle (not many bass traps laying around out there I don't guess) and therefore can be heard (or more likely 'felt') from extrodinary distances.

So it seems to me if these frequencies can travel uninterupted over those kinds of increadible distances in the Sahara... Why would I have a problem hearing/feeling the bass in my living room from 15 feet away???

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD