I was helping my sister hunt down a new flat panel TV this past week. I must have spent 15 hours working on it (I know that over 5 of those hours were on the phone with her just the past 2 days)...

Anyway, she ended up getting a Panasonic 50" Plasma. The model number is: TH-50PX80U

It gets good reviews and will work wonderfully for her. It is 720p and boy oh boy did those sales folks try to talk her into 1080p even though she will be sitting about 9 feet away. 720p will work wonderfully and as many others will tell you, the human eye can't tell the difference at that size screen from that distance.

Sears has a sale going on right now which had the absolute best price, online or otherwise, on this TV. It sells most places for $1399, but they are selling it for $899, but that sale price ends tomorrow!

IF you, for some reason, think that you must have 1080p, it will cost you $1499 for that step in the Panasonic line. Go for it!

Farewell - June 4, 2020