It wouldn't have to be a budding audiophile, just a person who would like to listen in the comforts of their own living room rather than at Circuit City with 15 other people and a daft sales person. You could even use equipment from CC if you could work it out with them (or abuse their return policy). If you could provide a certain amount of expertise and say I'll bring you what I feel are five sets of the best speakers in your price range, it would eliminate a lot of leg work for them and help them stay on budget at the same time. You wouldn't have to be brand loyal, just let them listen and make up their own mind. They may find out that a book shelf is all they need and that black doesn't really work in the room all that well.
If they decide not to buy or buy later you have the 75.00 flat fee to cover your time invested. They have a really good idea of what they like and what works well in their own room.
Expect nothing from the store you obtained the equipment from other than the equpment itself. If you could get a "small" referral fee from the store for a sale that would all be gravy. If you were able to move a few items everybody wins.