Hey catfish,

I'm not sure what the size of your room is. From what I've read I'm guessing you like great detail and clarity. If so then I would recommend the M80's. They simply have greater detail and clarity in the mids and highs than the M60's. Bear in mind though that the M80's are 4ohms and should be powered with something fairly decent. The dealer however told me (as many here have said) that I shouldn't have any problem with my HTIB receiver. Apparently the M80's are unlike most 4ohm speakers out there (they rarely dip below 4ohms). I just wouldn't be able to play them really loud (close to reference levels which I never do in my present setting) until I upgrade to something else of better quality.

As Sushi said, if you can listen to Maggies give it a go. I personally enjoyed these speakers as well but they do require some room and are more sensitive to placement. Also Saturn has told me that they are very revealing speakers. They will reveal just how good or crappy your system is.
