Larry, the implication of your "full range" question is that you'll be using the speakers without a sub. If that's the case, I would recommend that you get the M22s despite subjective impressions of a "fuller" bass with the M3s. In the past(before I got the EP500 which especially helps with pipe organ music and some LFE in movies)I often used the M22s for music without a sub and got good bass(with room reinforcement)down to about 50Hz and much weaker but still usable response at 40Hz. This was sufficient for nearly all music, which has little content below 40Hz.

The impedance curves from the NRC indicate that the M22 enclosure is tuned about 4-5Hz lower than that of the M3 and therefore has a slightly lower "real" bass extension, although the M3 elevated response around 100Hz gives an impression of greater bass fullness.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.