Personally, I think BR-burners are still too overpriced for me to buy one. On top of the burners being expensive, the blank disks are too expensive for me to find any practical use for them. So I'd skip on the BR-burner option unless you know you'll use it heavily for some specific purpose.

To answer another question, as far as I know there is no difference between a burner and a writer (just 2 words for the same thing). re: layers, if you're talking just about Blu-Ray burners, the difference is the ability to burn single layer disks (max capacity of 4.7 GB) versus the ability to burn dual layer disks (~2x capacity). (I'm 90% certain of this, but others feel free to correct me).

Either way, I'd wait for a year or so and add a drive then, which is a very easy process and should cost you much less $ in a year as the technology matures.

On Bluetooth - I don't think it's a must have unless you plan on operating your PC from quite a distance away from the case. Otherwise I've found the standard wireless keyboard & mouse to work reliably.

I think all of the things you're talking about would be nice-to-haves if you don't mind spending the extra money, but I don't think any are necessities.


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry