Originally Posted By: jakewash
I also wonder how Sunfire/Carver is able to claim/achieve a true doubling of power into 4 ohm loads when nobody else appears to be able to?

I don't know the hows, but that kind of increase is common[ly claimed] in the mobile AV industry when moving from 4 to 2 ohms or to 1 ohm. Funny to hear all the issues with 4 ohm loads in the home AV side when DC amps run down to 1 ohm pretty often. I'm sure I'll get slammed with a ton of tech-speak as why this is wrong, but 2 ohm loads are stable in my car - yes I used a meter not a manual to make that claim.
But that is not what is diagramed here. Using separate channels you would not get the resistance decrease of adding more or lower ohm speakers as I am describing above. That picture should be 200 to each channel as the amp will just push the 8 ohm load it has in front of it, regardless of whether that load is in the same box as another 8 ohm load (or whatever the loads are). Of course, separating out the speakers may mean you have higher loads, thereby reducing the power output to each…in my weak theory anyway. (Let the tech slam begin.)

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire