I second Peter's reco of the O'Riley Radiohead transcriptions (after all, it was my cd he borrowed that allowed him to make the recommendation in the first place! )

From a purely pianistic standpoint O'Riley's transcriptions are very impressive in their complexity and ability to really convey the moods and atmospheres of the originals. I've heard lots of transcriptions that just sound like show pieces designed to flaunt the performer's talent rather than convey the mood of the original music, but O'Riley stays very true to the source, and that's what I think most impresses me about this cd. Little atmospheric lines, contrapuntal lines, harmonies and counter-melodies are all there, and you really get the sense that O'Riley has a lot of admiration and respect for Radiohead's music, and that he really gets where they were coming from on each song. I'd love to get my hands on the sheet music for these, actually.

Anyway, enough raving. Buy it!