I've heard of a couple of deer incursions on the runway, here's one example but beware of the graphic picture.

During the summer months we use a lot of very narrow roads along canals and sugar cane fields and I've had a couple of deer jump out from the 15ft tall sugar cane into the path of my plane and jumped right over a canal on the other side, no hits so far though. I did hit a huge raccoon year before last, I was using a narrow road with a cane field on one side and a big canal on the other side and while I was rolling out I saw the raccoon run from the field to cross the road, he couldn't do anything with the canal so he ran back towards the cane field but not before I hit him with my right landing wheel, I just felt a thump. One of the loading crew guys went and snatched him up for supper. I also hit a wheat field upside down in North Dakota a little over ten years ago, totaled the plane but I made it out with just a few stitches and bruises ... but that's another story altogether.

I better not come back to this thread, I can talk about flying all day ... can you tell? \:\)

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