As I was doing errands in town today, I saw some poor sap standing on the side of the road holding a sign indicating 30% off at CC - "Store closing" / "Liquidating" in big letters. I hope whatever they paid him was worth it in the 20 F weather (I know, not cold to you Canadians and Midwest types, but for this area, that's frigid).

Anyway, I checked it out and was disappointed. Some things were 30% off, I guess, but not the good stuff. Only 10% off of cameras, video games, computers. Only 20% off of CDs and DVDs. Presumably this includes Blu-ray.

I picked out a couple of CDs (Jingle Cats 3, Ernest Goes to Jail soundtrack, etc), but the line to check out was twenty people deep, at least, for only two registers that were barely moving. So the liquidators got none of my money today.

Maybe I'll have better luck online?

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.