I'll get out of the way for the M80 crowd to baptize you, but you should try to make it a bit harder. They like when you say you have heard all Axioms are harshly bright and that Bose just rocks your world. With a RXz7 and 7 by 200, you are not going to even open up the M22+sub v. M60 debate.

For comparison, I think someone recently said the M80 compared favorably with the B&W 700 towers, but could not quite keep up with the 800 series. You will also see that the Pari Studio 100s are a common comparison in terms of sound character. But if you are looking for a grand debate you better look elsewhere. You aren't likely to find too many that will push you away from the M80s.

But, for my hands on experience, I can't say enough about the QS8. Outstanding, and a rare steal for the price. I just pegged 109dB on Dave Mathews Cortez the Killer on DD and the QS8s are just singing away without a word of protest. This track is not that demanding, but at that level, the fact you can’t even pick them out until somebody yells “Dave I love you man”, and then you can see in your mind’s eye exactly where that hippie was standing. Truly a perfect product for me. Here is my blue man experience:
blue men in my surrounds


Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire