Originally Posted By: dewd
My final choices were the Axioms, SVS towers, Focal, and B&W. I liked the Focals and B&W (B&W my favorite) and I decided I would audition an internet direct brand as well. I have an SVS sub so I looked there first. I also looked here and was sold on the QS8's. So I decided to audition them for 30 days. I'm now on day 270. Think I'll keep them :-)

To be honest, I think I liked the B&W a little more. But not $1000+ more.

So in the end, it was the sound, the design (QS8's), and the value that sold me. Give them a try. You get a month to decide.

My experience and purchase decision was the same as dewd’s except SVS towers weren’t in the mix.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1