Just got the feature pack and I am performing the Audyssey set up as we speak, looking forward to the Dynamic EQ, as well as trying the Dynamic Volume for TV, what Jason says make sense to my listening habits (i.e., try Dynamic EQ for movies or bluray, add Dynamic Volume as well for TV which is compressed anyway and avoid the annoying bump in volume when the commercials come on). Not for sure it's going to take though, I had to get a new sub (shipping problem, the first one was damaged) and there is a slight hum coming from the M80s with the sub in play, and any extraneous noise can interfere with autosetup, hopefully there's a quick fix for that, they talk about removing a ground screw or something if the sub is making a 60 Hz hum, however, the sub is not making the hum, the M80s are when the sub is plugged in, not sure what it says or doesn't say about my setup or electrical connections.

"If you try to turn toward it, you go against it."