I suppose I should add that someone measured their (Scott?) speakers and found the graph was a little more wobbly in the higher ranges with grills on. Nothing that seems like it would make a big difference I guess - I am not real familiar with sound graphs.


What the guy wrote:
Lucky13 12-10-2003, 11:47 PM
"I clearly measured the effect of keeping the grills on my speakers (not Axioms). I suspect the proximity of the grill frame causes this rippled effect above ~3Khz. The red line is with the speaker grill off and the blue line is with it on."


Apparently he owned Axioms when he wrote this - maybe it is someone here?

Last edited by donaldekelly; 04/06/09 03:06 AM.

M22s, QS4s, M2 center, Hsu stf-1.