Mike, listening to just segments of a classical composition meant to be heard in its entirety doesn't allow for really gaining an appreciation of the piece.

Okay, the local library didn't have the "Best of" Vanessa-Mae disc(could have requested it be sent from another library in the state in 3-4 days)but I took out five of her discs that had almost everything that was in "Best". Spent a couple hours tonight listening and the only track that I really enjoyed was the transcription for violin of Nessun Dorma from Puccini's Turandot. This is a glorious melody composed to be sung by a tenor(e.g., Pavorotti), but which has been arranged for orchestra, piano, violin, etc. I believe this is the first time that I heard the violin transcription, and since it was well-played, I enjoyed it, as I said. The two segments from her slight rearrangement of The Four Seasons were interesting enough that I listened to all of it on the rather impertinently titled "The Original Four Seasons" disc. If I wasn't aware of the genuine original and better performances I probably would have been impressed enough to consider buying it. About the other items I have nothing good to say, so I won't describe my impressions.

In summary, she plays well, but that's nothing unusual these days and I won't bother listing the many that I'd view as a bit better. There're several very talented young Asian women playing today who are in the top rank, but judging from what I heard Vanessa-Mae isn't one of them. If you'd like to hear better examples in that specific category, for a beautiful cello disc consider The Swan by Ha-Na Chang. And if "strings" include those on a guitar, there's terrific playing here .

Also keep in mind that string quartets include a cello and if you didn't get my two favorites that I suggested to you a couple months ago(shame on you), you should enjoy the beautiful Debussy and Ravel disc and, as Fred did, this Borodin, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky disc with three favorite quartets.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.