My research leads me to conclude that Plasma is not a mature technology. Quality is still improving quickly, but with a ways to go. Prices still have a long way to go in coming down. I ask myself would I be happy buying something with some flaws that will show up in use and see that within a year a substantially better set costs half what I paid? Rear projection sets are a much more mature technology, better picture and fewer compromises. Nevertheless,for me they are too big and heavy and require costly calibration in most cases. New DLP and LCD rear projection sets look promising. But with these I think another year will bring substantial improvement in performance & cost.
The courts just upheld the law requiring all sets sold after November 2004 to have HDTV tuners. I suspect that this will lead to a burgeoning of the hdtv market and a quickening in the quality improvments and reduction of prices. Since I look at a large screen set as a minimum six year investment, I am tempering my desire for having it now with what I think I can get next year.
If I had more room I would look at a rear projector or better yet a front projector. I like the Samsung DLP rear projection sets, but improved models will be out around February. I also think prices should come down by about a third during the next year.
