Originally Posted By: pmbuko
That sucks. I played mine back in real time (as it downloaded) on my newish mac laptop without any problems. The network connection at work is wicked fast, and the computer is no slouch, either. ;\)

Ditto. I downloaded the 1080i version last night. Played perfectly in iTunes on my 18-month old Dell 1520 Core2Duo 2.2ghz Vista HPE 2GB nVidia 8600GT/256 notebook. I downloaded the file and played it locally, so perhaps that's the difference.

Then I let iTunes convert it to AppleTV format and played it on my 61" HDTV. Looked pretty good there too, though the conversion introduced a noticeable amount of digital blocking (I may have had a quality setting too low).

I'll say it again - if that launch gave you goosebumps, you've got to check out that When We Left Earth series. Same idea as that video, but a lot more footage (more close-ups), equivalent or better PQ, and DD 5.1.

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office