I haven't heard the M3 or W3 speaker. I have M60s VP100 and QS8s. I was under the impression that it was a nice sounding speaker and it would likely fit my brother just fine. He isn't an audiophile but does know a little about speakers.

The 3 W3s would fit in his room which will be 16x19x10 with a 1 foot drop ceiling for sparkly lights. So essentially 16x19x9. I don't think W22s would fit vertically except below the screen. Since he will have two rows of seats I would prefer to have the speakers above instead of below. I also don't want to get too close to the ceiling or you get reflections.

Since he isn't majorly an audiophile I think a couple m22s and a W150 should be just fine. They would also probably play louder than the 3 W3s without breaking up. I guess I'll just have him go all out and get the QS8s instead of the QS4s also. Hey, it isn't my money ;\)

How much space in the wall do you need between studs for the W150? I need to make sure his contractor knows that.