Yes the X1 does not show any screen door unless you are less than 4 feet from within the screen...and then the screen door it is sooo tiny. The Z1 screen door can be seen at 10 feet. Calibration will not get rid of it. Soft defocusing will. The Panny has a technology which helps the screen door effect. It also has a higher res than the X1 and does not suffer any rainbowing as DLP have. You need to be within 6 feet to see screen door on the Panny. So since most normal viewing is 8+ feet... all is good. The Panny is I think more than twice the X1 though. It is a great product and if you can afford I would go for it. If it is too much maybe you can get a credit for other items such as...DVD player..SACD preamp/processor..etc and then buy yourself a cheap X1 from Dell or local dealer.