Giro, If you spend some time reading through past posts/threads, you will find that the majority tend to skip on the Axion subs and go with something from Hsu or SVS.

As far as the M80's go, read this review from Sounstage:

Although the M80Tis have tons of deep bass, they didn’t quite reach the earth’s core, as I had first assumed they would. Based upon their low-bass performance, I was expecting the subsonic stuff to be dealt out in spleen-bursting quantities. My usual torture test for low bass is "Squonk" from Trick of the Tail by Genesis [ATCO CD 82668]. There’s some mid-20Hz synth on this track that tends to drive ported speakers berserk. The Axioms, understandably, couldn’t reproduce this note. It must be below the port-tuning frequency and was completely absent. Anyway, this type of bass is very expensive to achieve and completely beyond the design parameters of the M80Tis. If you want 20Hz rumble, get a dedicated subwoofer.

But I just can’t stress strongly enough just how much grunt these speakers have. Listening to "Rubber Shirt" from Zappa’s Sheik Yerbouti [Zappa Records SRZ-2-1501], I was almost literally blown away by the strength, integrity and depth of the bass and drums. There was little to no distortion of the low E note (or thereabouts) of the electric bass that’s central to this track. And this was with an LP and no rumble filter, at lease-breaking levels. The low bass could have been a touch tighter, as the sharp start-stop attack that my reference Hales speakers define so effortlessly was missing, replaced instead by a bit of overhang. But hey, I still loved listening to -- no, make that bathing in -- the Axioms’ rich low end. That a speaker of this modest cost can produce this kind of bass is nothing short of startling.

The entire review is available here:


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.