Originally Posted By: Murph

The daily high or low isn't what they refer to, it is the change in the average long term temperature. For instance, here they are tracking the average temperatures of many rivers and global warming or not, they found that the average summer water temperature has gone up 1.4 degrees 'average' in the last few years. Doesn't sound like much but that change places them in the 24 Celsius range which is infringing upon the upper limits of what the rainbow trout can survive in. Just another degree or so and I'll have to hang up the ol' flyrod rod for good....

Speaking of cycles, here goes yet another rebirth of an Axiom hot topic. Hopefully I stirred up a cyclone to come back and check out Monday. ;\)

I know. I was being extremely sarcastic, or at least attempting to. As a scientist (Chemist in the industry for more than 20 years), I get to see more than my fair share of environmental reports about global warming and pollution.
IMHO we (society) use crude oil in entirely the wrong way. To go from wellhead to gas tank and bypass years of service as a polymer of some sort first, then crack it into something we can get around with is a far better way to go.

I think I just took it to Category 1 (reference to cyclones... this could get interesting).

