Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here, and likely piss a few people off.

To me, stealing is stealing. Justify it 100 ways... stealing is stealing. Yeah, I know the record companies have been screwing many artists for years. Not paying for the artists' current music doesn't help that artist get a better contract.

I think WalMart is big and greedy. Should I walk in there and take some merchandise? Will the security guards and cops let me off when I explain that I think WalMart screws some employees and price fixes, and therefore it's OK that I took that beach umbrella?

I'm no artist, but for many years some of my income depended upon me being able to protect my copyright. If someone duplicated and distributed one of my video productions or re-sold a photographic image, it got harder for me to pay my mortgage that month.

Copyright laws are there for a reason, and it irks me when people try to justify their theft of music, ideas, written works, software...whatever... by thinking they're Robin Hood and just stickin' it to 'da man.


PS- I don't hold any ill will towards anyone here.... just thought I'd offer an opposing argument.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::