Thought I'd add this in for no other reason but you guys are music lovers and might appreciate it.

I've been working since last year on a volunteer committee as part of the 2009 Canada Summer Games (A national Olympic style event for young athletes. There is a winter version too.) My committee is more about the accompanying Arts and Cultural Festival where the host province gets to highlight it's unique culture to all the athletes and visitors it brings and to locals of course.

I've been in charge of the performing arts, mainly musical. For every night of the two weeks of the Games, we have a concert series in local venues spread across the province featuring all the top names in PEI singers, bands, dancers, etc. Of course, Celtic and Maritime music plays a big part but we have every genre from bluegrass to classical to rock covered.

Aside from a few years working in and a few performances in theater, this has been my first foray into the music scene. It's been a real education working to get contracts signed and venues booked over the last year. Working with big agencies and individual artists alike.

Actually, I think I finally got the last contract signed with just under three weeks to go so probably why I needed to vent somewhere. Family and work already have heard all about it so here I am.

In case you need a unique vacation experience in the last two weeks of August, we will be in prime beach season combined with top notch sporting events spread all across PEI. And, of course, you will be able to experience PEI's top musicians for FREE!

Not sure how deeply into the States these names spread but if anyone is actually interested, here is just a few.

Lennie Gallant -- very well renowned folk singer

Richard Wood -- One of the worlds best fiddlers (modern and traditional) who has played literally around the world and spent a couple of years touring with Shania Twain.

Brooke Millar -- Up and coming jazz singer along with the more Internationally known Theresa Doyle (mostly Europe.)

Up and coming rock bands like "Two Hours Traffic" and "Paper Lions" -- who's names you might not know but if you watch shows like "The OC" or "Grey's Anatomy" you have heard several of thier songs playing in the background.

Soo many more and we also have a World Music Night featuring the music and culture of our vibrant immigrant cultures.

just bragging a bit since it's finally coming together. it's been quiet an experience.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.