I have used both settings and its strange I have found when using my oppo player and the AV sub set to normal the EP500 does not work at all and I have to use the sub plus mode. But when watching TV the normal setting does work. So I thought it must be the oppo but I went over the settings many many times. But then I relized even though the normal settings work watching TV it still is lacking bass here too. Plus the stand bye mode quit working completely on the A/V. I am starting to think its the amp and not the sub at all. And its not as though the driver isnt moving its BARELY moving. But then again sometimes it seems to work fine like there is a short with the A/V (sometimes the bass seems to work fine). Once I try a diff A/V I will know for sure. Looks like I am going to try and call the pros again to come over with a demo A/V (so far I cant get them to return my freekin calls)

Last edited by th3at3rguy; 08/10/09 08:18 PM.