Well here's the real topper 2 this story, the Maxtor One Touch III Turbo WAS our back up system. Two weeks ago the power supply on our 650 gig FreeAgent went out and we're waiting on the replacement to arrive. In the meantime we have our Maxtor set up on Raid1 where one disc (it's a two Terabite unit housing two one terabite discs. You can set it up as Raid2 that uses both discs as one big disk, or Raid1 where one disk is an exact mirror of the 1st disk) is a back-up of the other disk. So just two weeks ago we had everything backed up three times. Then like I said the power supply went out on the FreeAgent and so we've just been using the Maxtor as a stand alone unit until the replacement arrives. Of course we knew we were taking our chances this way, but what were the odds lighting would strike twice so close together right... well now we get to be the example they always use when they say, "you never want to risk it". We risked it, and we lost.

But here's the thing, we still did have everything backed up twice. So the odd part is, if one disk went bad, why can't I access the back-up??? What's the use of having a back-up if its going to crash the same time the main disk crashes? And who on earth has all three sources crash within two weeks of eachother???

There are only so many safety steps you can take after all. I felt fairly secure with having three copies of everything. So what am I supposed to do now? What if I get an off-site back up and right after my hard-drive crashes they have a fire & they lose all of my stuff as well? Then everyone can say, "well you should have kept back-up disks in a fire proof safe"... But what if a meteor the size of a Buick crashes through my roof and lands on my fire proof safe turning it into rubble... where does it all end???

BTW I don't mean to sound crappy or ungreatful for anyone's advice, I do appreciate it, thanks. I'm just feeling sorry for myself and my dumbass decision to risk it until our replacement FreeAgent comes. I figured the risk was small, but its going to end up costing us dearly!!!

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD