Thanks everyone! I got to sleep in this morning, then went and got my new driver's license (woohoo, yeah, THAT was fun... Not really) and then my family made me a yummy lunch. Then we had to run my oldest daughter someplace, and I got some paint to start painting a hallway in our house, and stopped by our brand new Bass Pro Shop. It was actually pretty cool, especially considering that none of us fish or hunt. The shooting gallery was fun. Now we are going to grab some Chinese food for supper, more running of kids, then a present, and some cake! Then I get to start painting...

Busy, but a good day none-the-less.

Oh, and my new job starts next Monday (got bumped back a week). If it started on the first scheduled day, I would have missed out on all of the above, and been working, so that's good.

Farewell - June 4, 2020