Thanks for the time you took comparing, testing and sharing your thoughts with us, Chess. Each of these speakers has subtle advantages over each other in different areas, I guess it comes down to personal preferance in the end. Excellent and unbiased review.

I do think, however, that one point should be made about the MA vs M60 comparo in regards to $$. The only MA's comparable dollarwise to the Axiom M60(with real veneer), were the Silver series MA's, the GR60's($5000-6000) are 2-3 times the $$ of the custom wood M60s, a very substancial difference.

Thanks again for comparo, I have yet to hear the Gold series MA's(curious about them) but have auditioned the RS6 and RS8s in the past, and the 8's were noticably bass heavy. The RS6's sounded a little 'cleaner' to me when I heard them.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.