Wow, what a loser I am! I totally missed all of my birthday wishes here. Thanks to everyone for the wishes.

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've been totally MIA on the boards for a long time.

I went into that quiet zone of audio happiness after you have your system all set up and operating as you want it to and have just been enjoying it for quite some time.

I've recently been back in touch with Axiom to order a set of Audiobytes & EP-zero using referral credits that I've amassed over a long period of time. Unfortunately, they had a very short life in my house.

I've decided to get a set of M3s in a matched wood finish for my game room instead, which I'm looking forward to. The stain match is going to be off to Axiom tomorrow and after a couple of months I imagine I'll have the new M3s to enjoy.

Anyway, sorry for my LONG absence, nice to see all of the birthday wishes here when I logged in. \:\)

Hope all are well!


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry