Indeed Microsoft support can be frustrating but I always stay polite and try not to show any frustration. Their representatives respond strictly to the troubleshooting guide that apppears online (which is useless) and this new problem with consoles and ODST that I was experiencing was not in his system. After a brief discussion with the agent I asked to speak to a supervisor because I was not going to get a resolution with the agent. After a brief wait I recapped my issue and told him that a Bungie representative stated the console has to be taken into Microsoft for repair as per thread above. The troubleshooting specialist agreed and was delighted with the information he received about this problem from me and stated the repair will be free of charge.

I really do not care about getting free stuff I just want my console fixed. And yes the fact they are not sending out the coffins and packing materials anymore is strange and does not make any sense but overall I am pleased with the outcome. We will see how it plays out.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne