I managed to watch Transformers 2 today and actually enjoyed it for the most part. Expectations were low going in, so that may have helped. The two "twins" weren't as annoying as I thought Jar Jar was, so that was good, but there were plenty of "cheap gags" that detracted from the film being less "stupid" in areas.

The twins' hillbilly/gangsta talk was pointless, the gold tooth and big "ears" were dumb. The big Decepticon near the end really didn't need the wrecking "balls".

But I still liked the film. I got the WalMart "Big Screen" edition which actually was pretty cool since my front projector is 16:9 format, but I can see how SirQuack and others with constant height screens would have an issues with it.

I still need to see X-Men, Fast and Furious, Monsters vs Aliens, and my wish list of upcoming Blu-Rays includes Up, Harry Potter, Terminator Salvation (which I haven't seen any of those), and some good films that I have like District 9 and Star Trek.

Some may have to go into my Christmas list (I know that District 9 comes out after Christmas), but it should be quite a growth of movies this year.

Farewell - June 4, 2020