I am impressed! Nice drawing! Gets the point across. The pulling force on the top of that bracket would be immense. Think of taking a piece of plywood 3'-0" X 3'-0" and screwing it to a wall with a bracket like that. Then have your 3rd grade son (8 yr old) sit on the side away from the wall. I don't think it would hold. Now, the M80s SHOULD be placed a few FEET from the wall, so make the plywood 3'-0" wide and about 4'-6" deep (away from the wall). Sit the same kid on the outside and his center of gravity would be about 3'-0" off the wall (just like the center of the M80s should be roughly positioned). Now will the bracket hold, or will it rip the screws (lag bolts?) out of the studs?

"Life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness"...Go Packers! and Go Badgers!